Best Job Interview Coaching Services

By Jack Flynn - Nov. 11, 2021

Find a Job You Really Want In

While you’re no doubt excited about landing that once-in-a-lifetime interview, you know that sitting down in front of a hiring manager can be an anxiety-inducing experience.

Often, the interview you’re going for might be a big step up from your current job, or at a highly competitive company with multiple interview rounds or a panel of interviewers. Further, if you don’t switch jobs often or haven’t otherwise had a lot of practice, you’ll be an even bigger bundle of nerves.

Talk about overwhelming.

If you’re feeling lost and anxious, what can you do to slant the odds in your favor and make that interview go your way?

Fortunately, several online sources provide professional interview help. In any context, receiving advice from an unbiased, knowledgeable source when you’re feeling lost can go a long way. There’s no shame in utilizing the tools provided by these coaches, and if nothing else, you can learn valuable tips about what to expect during your interview.

In this article, we’ll discuss the pros of receiving assistance from a professional interview coach, as well as the steps you can take to seek them out. Remember that an interview can be a gateway to positive change in your life, so getting valuable tips and advice from a coach can go a long way.

The Basics: What is Interview Coaching?

Simply put, interview coaching is meant to offer you informative and valuable advice on what to say during an interview, what your strengths are, and what to expect from a hiring manager. You can discuss your concerns with an unbiased voice and even perform practice runs of your interview with the coach.

While receiving interview coaching, you’ll meet with a professional trainer to learn various interview strategies and receive feedback on your practice interviews. Overall, the whole process can help you develop a variety of skills and techniques that are useful for interviews. If nothing else, you can rid your jitters and boost your confidence.

Why Interview Coaching?

As with any form of work-related assistance, the purpose of interview coaching is to increase your chances of getting that shiny new job. In many ways, coaching fulfills this objective, as it gives you experience answering many different interview questions and pretending to interact with your potential employer. As mentioned previously, your coach will be a valuable, unbiased source that can provide you with feedback that improves your natural responses in interviews.

Further, the more you practice with a coach, the more confident and assured you’ll be in your interview performance. Ultimately, your coach’s goal should be to give you the tools to achieve that confidence.

Here’s a list of reasons why you may benefit from an interview coach:

  • You’re a bundle of nerves. When you practice with an interview coach, you’re conditioning yourself for the real thing. As a result, the coaching will assist in helping you feel more comfortable and prepared.

  • Your interviews are going nowhere. Often, we may go to interviews and think we did alright, but then hear nothing back from the potential employer. In this case, an interview coach may be able to reveal what’s going wrong.

    Maybe you’re not showcasing your accomplishments or skills enough, or perhaps you’re not responding to questions correctly. Regardless of the reason, an interview coach can help us pinpoint our improvable faults.

  • You’re out of practice. If you haven’t had an interview in quite some time, a coach can help refresh you on what’s what. After all, it’s important to rehearse and rediscover skills you may not have used for a long time.

  • You have a past issue haunting you. If you’ve ever been fired from an important job or had to switch industries on unpleasant terms, you know that these things are difficult to discuss and even more challenging to avoid in interviews. Fortunately, an interview coach can teach you how to address these topics during interviews.

  • Your dream job is on the line. Maybe the interview you’re preparing for is extra important, and you don’t want to mess it up. An interview coach can give you targeted practice specific to the position you’re trying to get.

With these reasons in mind, working with an interview coach can be a valuable option to consider. Go into your interviews with confidence and leave knowing you’ve easily gone toe-to-toe with any competition.

Types of Interview Coaching

In general, you can find a type of interview coaching that matches your lifestyle. Whether you’d prefer to meet someone in person or experience something more remote, there are interview coaches out there that will fit your needs.

Here are the most common types of interview coaching:

  • In-person

  • Over the phone

  • Online services

Regardless of your preference, an interview coach will typically conduct one or more practice interviews and then follow up with some feedback.

It can be helpful to receive an in-person practice interview; however, the other options still provide you with the same services. If you choose an online service, coaches may interview you over a video chat service or ask for you to send a video of your answers to a list of interview questions. Similarly, if you speak over the phone, they may provide you with a practice phone interview.

Remember that all interviews are different. Some companies will do one-on-one interviews, some will provide an interview panel, and overall, different fields will be looking for specific skills and requirements. Given that, certain interview coaches may be more versed in particular fields. You’ll want one that can provide a list of typical interview questions and help you prepare answers for more specific, field-related questions.

Other types of interview advice include discussing nonverbal communication during interviews. The way your body communicates with a hiring manager can be just as crucial as your words, and an interview coach can show you facial and body language that will demonstrate that you are friendly, interested, and actively listening.

Finally, coaches may also assist you with other small details, such as how to ask the right questions of the employer, company research, and even how to dress.

Overall, there are a few different types of interview coaching and a variety of advice they can offer you.

How to Find a Professional Coach

Now that you’re ready to hone your interview skills, you should start searching for a coach that fits your needs. Fortunately, there are many ways to find an ideal coach for you.

First and foremost, it may be helpful to do your own research around the web. Utilizing sites such as the Professional Association of Resume Writers and Career Coaches website can guide you in your search. Keep in mind that career coaches are typically also trained as interview coaches, so they may fit your needs as well.

Here are some tips on how to find your ideal interview coach:

  • Look for personal referrals from friends, relatives, and colleagues

  • Search through the websites of professional associations

  • Request free initial consultations with different coaches

  • Research the credentials of counselors you’re considering

  • Decide whether you’re more comfortable having sessions via phone, e-mail, or in person

  • Know your schedule and what dates will work for you

Remember to be aware of your circumstances. You should consider your budget and the fees of a particular interview coach. Sometimes coaches only require a one-time fee, and sometimes they require an ongoing monthly fee. Consider these costs and be knowledgeable about what you can afford.

For example, if you’re in college, the campus career services office may provide free or discounted interview coaching. However, if you’re not in school, you may have to look elsewhere for affordable options.

If you’re not in college and worried you won’t be able to afford any of the coaching options you like, there are other opportunities for less expensive or even free coaching. Go check out events at public libraries to see if there are any free career workshops. Your state or local government may also offer free career assistance, so look on their websites.

Best Job Interview Coaching Services

If you’ve decided that you’re committed to interview coaching, and you don’t mind paying a fee for the services, here are the top interview coaching services around the web, listed from the least expensive to the most pricey:

  1. APEX Career Service Interview Coaching: $99+

    APEX Career Services was founded in 2011 by Nadine Franz. As well as interview service, APEX can also help you with a full job search process.

    APEX interview coaching will provide you with questions that verify your qualifications and experience, as well as questions hiring managers ask that many applicants fail to answer correctly. You’ll receive an interview critique that hones in on your vocabulary, style, humor, and warmth toward the interviewer.

  2. Thumbtack Interview Coaching and Preparation Services: $100+

    Thumbtack is an online service that can match you with local interview coaches. The most significant advantage to using Thumbtack is the specialization a freelancer can offer. You can potentially find interview coaches with very niche backgrounds or experiences.

    Thumbtack will utilize your zip code to find professionals near you. You can then choose to work with a coach either in-person or virtually on the phone or in a video session.

  3. Resume Spice Interview Coaching Services: $129+

    Resume Spice is a resume writing service that also offers comprehensive online coaching with highly qualified interview coaches throughout the U.S. When you pay for the service, you’ll receive a 30 to 45-minute phone or Skype session with an interview coach.

    As with any interview coach, Resume Spice’s coaches will help you prepare for common interview questions. They will give you tips on how to answer difficult questions, body language feedback, and provide insight on what you should wear.

  4. LinkedIn Profinder Interview Coaching: $129+

    You’ve probably heard of or have created a profile on LinkedIn. However, many people aren’t aware that the LinkedIn ProFinder service offers career, resume, and interview coaching services.

    The LinkedIn Profinder allows you to select your experience level and answer a few questions about your service needs, providing you with several quotes from interview coaches on the platform.

    Once you find an interview coach you like, they will work one-on-one with you on the phone or via video chat.

Best Job Interview Coaching Services FAQ

  1. Does interview coaching work?

    Yes, interview coaching works. Interview coaching works by preparing you for a job interview with a trained and skilled professional before you ever sit down with a hiring manager or a recruiter.

    Interview coaches are not just good at helping people practice for the interview; they can also help you create and adapt your resume and cover letter and can help you see flaws in your interview technique.

    Suppose you suffer from anxiety when it comes to interviewing. In that case, an interview coach can be incredibly useful and help you get over that anxiety and present a more confident and positive applicant at the actual interview.

    The better the interview coach is, the more benefit you’ll receive and the more prepared you’ll be for that interview. It’s an invaluable service if it helps you land the job of your dreams.

  2. How much is an interview coach?

    An online interview coach costs around $100-150. But that’s not the whole answer. If you’re wondering how much an interview coach costs, that answer varies, as do the services they provide.

    You can find online coaching services that are relatively inexpensive, typically around $100-$150. This might be all the assistance you need. Just make sure you research what you’ll be getting before signing up.

    You want to have a personal session, although it can be conducted virtually. This will let you get specific information on how you come across in an interview and really prepare you for the real thing.

    Some people don’t like the idea of using an online service and would rather have more hands-on help and more one-on-one time.

    The prices for this range greatly and often depend on where you live. Expect to pay around $50-$100/hour for assistance from these coaches. Also, do your research, so you know you’re getting exactly what you want out of your coach. If you get a good job and a high salary, it’s worth the investment.

  3. How do I prepare for a coaching interview?

    Prepare for a coaching interview as if it was a real interview. Practicing interview questions with friends and family is good, but you’ve always got the comfort of knowing the person conducting the interview.

    The main reason to use an interview coach is because it will be more like the real thing. That’s why you want to go into it as though it was the actual interview. Dress in your best clothing, groom to impress, bring your resume and supplemental information with you.

    Because you’ll have worked with your interview coach a bit before the practice interview, it’s a good idea to ask them how to prepare. Some may ask you to do specific things like research, do sample questions or tasks, etc. The more informed you are and the more realistic the interview is, the better the experience will be.

  4. How do you become an interview coach?

    You become an interview coach by finding a company that is hiring or seeking out a mentor. If you’re wondering how to become an interview coach, the best way is to start looking for hiring businesses and start applying.

    If you can connect with an interview coach and get them to give you some tips or mentor you, that’s the best path to success. This can give you that competitive edge and help you discover which path to follow.

    It helps to have some experience in human resources (HR), recruiting, and job interviewing. This background usually means that you’ve interviewed a few people for jobs and know what to look for.

    This is exactly what you’ll need to convey to the people who hire you. Your previous experience will say a lot about your ability to coach others effectively.

    Some companies offer training programs and certificates for interview coaches. This is not a requirement and might not help you get a job. Your best bet is to find a reputable interview coaching company and ask them what they want from their applicants and how you can get those skills.

    If you have a great network and are good at marketing, you might even want to begin your own interview coaching business and establish yourself as an independent professional in this field.

Final Thoughts

It’s easy to feel anxious before an interview. After all, you don’t want to ruin all of your hard work by showing up completely unprepared.

Seeking out an interview coach is one of the best investments you can make at this point in your job search. Remember, there are many options available to you that can fit your field, lifestyle, and budget.

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Jack Flynn

Jack Flynn is a writer for Zippia. In his professional career he’s written over 100 research papers, articles and blog posts. Some of his most popular published works include his writing about economic terms and research into job classifications. Jack received his BS from Hampshire College.

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